Last updated on September 4th, 2023 at 12:20 pm
Wellness seems to be the new trendy thing. And I am here for it. People are collectively burnt out and rather than numb out their feelings, they are seeking to explore it, to open up to it, and find a long-term sustainable option. I repeat: I’m here for it!
As with many well-intended things though, we tend to get caught up in the logistics and make them more intricate than necessary. We’re thinking: I need to begin therapy and forgive my parent, and oh! Pay off all my debt, drink green tea, sleep for nine hours at night, move to a rural area, grow my food, and… the list is endless.
Wellness is the consistent practice of holistic (mental, physical, financial, emotional, social, and psychological) lifestyle habits in order to live optimally and thrive. The keywords are optimising your living and thriving.
Whatever works for you to achieve these then that’s what wellness looks like for you. It’s not another thing to add to your stress or induce migraines. Here are some simple steps you can take to begin this journey:
Map out what it looks like for you
What does wellness mean to you? What’s gotten you interested in this journey? It’s very possible that you have one or two unintentional wellness practices. Can you hinge on these practices and see why you keep returning to them? Wellness to me is about optimizing my life and potential.
Create a theme
What is the common interest in your wellness practice? When you complain, what do you mostly complain about? For some, their theme is rest. This theme creates a sharp focus for everything that you do on this journey.
Highlight the part of your life that can immediately benefit from it
Holistic wellness is about creating sustainable habits. You don’t want to get into a few practices one week and totally discard them the next week. You want to stay the course and create systems that uphold this transformation.
What aspect of your life can immediately benefit from this reprieve that holistic wellness provides? If your theme is rest, what area of your life do you need it most? Is it in your hustle? Is it your chores? If it’s your hustle, then you may be considering your finances.
Seek knowledge
Books, a lot of books. Podcasts, videos. Taking responsibility for yourself requires the willingness to seek knowledge. No one’s going to spoon-feed you. No one understands what you need like you do. Focus on one area of your life at a time and delve into it.
If you’re burnt out from having to pull more than two jobs at once, from working more than 60 hours a week just to make ends meet, then you want to seek knowledge on what you can do right. You acknowledge systemic poverty and still trust that you can shift things around. Maybe you need to first understand systemic poverty and how it works or understand debt or finances in general.
You can also look for accounts to follow on social media—people who can inspire and teach you indirectly.
Implement it
There’s nothing we’re doing if we’re not applying what we learn and taking crucial steps to transform our situation.
If you need rest because your to-do list is inexhaustible, then you learn and find out that this is because a part of you has been conditioned not to believe in rest. That you don’t deserve rest except as a reward.
Armed with this information, you need to take steps. You need to implement what you’ve learnt. Are you going to cancel one thing off your list going forward? Will you decidedly clear a day off just to rest and do things you enjoy? Will you recite helpful affirmations every single day? You’ve got to work at it!
Don’t forget to trust yourself. As you look to external sources to guide you on this journey, tune inwards and listen to yourself. This journey isn’t one that should be so strange to us, but sometimes we’re so deep in the struggle, distracted by inanities that we forget to live. Your body is always giving clues.
One other lie we’ve been told is that our purpose here is meaningless and that we’re all just trying to survive. It’s beyond that. But even if it were that, you can find your own meaning. Create something out of the supposed nothing.
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