The Perfect Fitness Routine for Lazy Girls

Last updated on August 3rd, 2023 at 11:33 am

Fitness is a lifestyle and not a once-in-a-while event. The relevance of being fit or adopting a fitness lifestyle cannot be downplayed. The difference between two persons; one with a fitness routine and one without, exceeds the physical appearance.

Mentally, physically and health-wise, we gain a lot from being fit. It builds endurance, increases mental strength, improves heart health, and improves overall flexibility, among many others. Listing the importance of fitness is almost amusing. It’s a knowing.

Discussing the importance of a fitness lifestyle in a bid to encourage people to adopt fitness is mostly a recent thing. Given how busy, distracted, and technologically assisted we are, the sedentary lifestyle is the obvious resultant effect. The exhaustion that comes with our intellectually demanding jobs also pushes us into being sedentary. While we have devices that can help us manage every bit of our lives we are still faced with the distractions that come with the age we live in. 

Due to these distractions and other mentioned factors, the advantages of living an active life have to be preached to us. Fitness doesn’t have to be for weight loss or to rid your hip dips. I see fitness as another essential part of living just as nutrition is. A simple reason for you could be not feeling like you want to pass out when you’ve only tidied up your house.

Though fitness can be very simple, as it is with every other thing these days, it’s been overcomplicated. If you would rather not overcomplicate things for yourself:

  1. Find the workout that you like

I can’t say that lifting weights is overcomplicated, because it’s relative. Some find it enjoyable, but I consider it to be torture. Finding the workout that you like means you have to try a number of workouts though. For me, I enjoy yoga and pilates. I have a feeling that I could enjoy cycling and swimming, but my environment as of now, isn’t conducive to riding a bike. And for swimming, well, I don’t know how to (yet). Lol. I once tried jump rope and really enjoyed it. 

These are just examples for you to consider. It doesn’t have to be rigid.

  1. Take a daily walk

While you figure out the workout you like, you want to start with a daily walk. It doesn’t have to be a very long walk. It doesn’t even have to be really fast-paced. If you’re starting out as someone that barely walks, any distance will make a difference.

  1. Consider doing it yourself

If you can, ditch one or two devices in the house and do the chore yourself. For instance, instead of a dishwasher, do the dishes yourself. Instead of a robot vacuum cleaner, clean the house yourself. Instead of paying someone to get everything done for you in the house, consider doing some yourself. 

  1. Try fun forms of movement 

You want to make your fitness lifestyle fun. I enjoy dance workouts and many people claim to enjoy it too. You’re listening to music and vibing and that’s it. But after just thirty minutes (assuming you make it), your muscles are worked and you’re sweating. The goals here are to sweat and have fun—to exercise without realising it. Hula-hooping is another fun movement. Get a standing work desk if you find it fun.

  1. Be consistent 

Think frequency rather than input. Showing up often with average efforts is better than inconsistent huge efforts. Set systems in place to help your consistency. Remember that fitness is a lifestyle, incorporate it into your daily activities and ensure that at the end of every day, you can say that you moved and broke a sweat during the day.

Your target with fitness should encompass endurance, flexibility, strength, and balance. As usual, you do you. You don’t have to do what others are doing.

Thanks for reading. Hope this was helpful.

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