Six steps to a restorative evening

Last updated on January 25th, 2023 at 06:18 am

Six Steps to a Restorative Evening: 

After the stress of living and surviving the day, I always look forward to my evening routine, especially the part when I eventually get in bed. Achieving a perfect evening routine might be a stretch, but the goal is to achieve something close—a routine that elicits joy and is reparative. 

Here are six steps that may work for you or inspire you into forming your own routine:

Change into another outfit: 

This is not what you expect to be the restorative practice that you need, but you should consider it as a sensory rest. After a long day, changing into a loose home clothing signifies a break from any demanding activity. Just as changing into your gym fit can be a boost to going to the gym, this can also remind you to slow down. This is especially true if you do not work from home, although, those that work from home can benefit from it. 

Good meal:

A good meal is appealing to the senses. The urge to eat a comfort meal can be overbearing but putting plans in place to accommodate your routine (for instance, meal prep) might help to curb this urge. A well-thought-out meal is not only a healthy option for your body but can also be a reset after the day’s work.


After a good meal, you want to consider a nice shower to wash off the day’s stress literally and figuratively. The soothing feel of water on your skin, the quiet of the shower and the solitude can be the perfect opportunity to unwind. Let your thoughts roam as the water hits your skin and experience reprieve.

Rest and reset:

Savouring the evening with any activity that feels good makes you look forward to your evenings. This is not the time to mindlessly scroll on social media, although, I think that setting some minutes aside to probably catch up may not be a bad idea. Whatever it is, you want to do it with discretion and not induce another form of stress. You can consider any of these: a puzzle, listening to a soft-paced music, enjoying the silence, reading a book, etc.

Gratitude list:

This is one habit you truly want to adopt. Not only does it remind you of the good in your life but also the blessings of the day. Commuting to work was stressful, but you’re also thankful that you have a job. The idea of gratitude is not to eradicate desires or aspirations but to maintain positivity in the present circumstance.

Daily introspection:

This can help you to let go of unpleasant situations during the day. What made you anxious? What made you happy? What made you angry? You want to talk to yourself about your day, you could also talk to your partner/friend or journal your feelings. This helps you better prepare for the following day while leaving you with a sense of lightness.

We may not be able to avoid all the stressors that come with adulthood, but simple and thoughtful ways to keep us balanced is essential so we don’t tip into an unwanted space.

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3 thoughts on “Six steps to a restorative evening”

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