Episode 9

Last updated on September 29th, 2023 at 07:10 am

“I’ve once been married,” I say immediately the waitress leaves our table to get our order. Something about this moment, about Aiden makes me want to be totally open and honest.

“Why do you say it like a warning?” This isn’t the reaction I expect from him. Although, it truly sounds like a warning now that I consider it. Maybe there’s a part of me that still feels like being divorced implies something negative—How bad are you to have not been able to keep your marriage? Are you that unlovable? I understand that things are not linear or just black and white and while I hold no hate towards my ex and his now-fiancee, the divorce unveiled a judgmental part of me that I didn’t know existed. I’ve been working on this aspect of me but it’s not a day’s job.

“Why now though? Looking to not make this date happen? To be straight, are you looking to not make us happen?” Aiden reaches out and takes my hand in both of his.

“Not really. You said lying by omission is a thing.” I shift in my seat and slide my hands out of his. I need to have my faculty intact tonight and, though a simple gesture, I can’t make much progress when he holds my hand like this.

“Well, you didn’t omit this. I reckon it mustn’t be too comfortable to share just like that,” he sucks in his lower lip and adds, “Thanks for trusting me.” And the appreciation does something to me. I feel seen, like my emotions are valid and I have no need to worry. I smile. Aiden makes it tough to hold back from him.

“Are you always this sweet?”

“Well, we’ve had how many dates? What do you think? What does your gut tell you? Cos sitting here, I see the wheels turning in your head and I know you want to pick this apart.” He gestures between the both of us. I sigh. The waitress returns with our food and there’s a shift in my mood.

“Ibukun, be calm. Trust me. Can you promise?” He attempts to soothe me. I nod and say, “Yes.”

“Okay. So what do you think of this place?”

“It’s really nice.” He smiles.

“Then you should try the food.”

“Wait. What do you have up your sleeve?” I ask seeing the mischievous look on his face.

“Wait,” He repeats my word. “Ibukun, don’t you trust me at all? Do I need to have something up my sleeve?”

“When you look like this, yes!” I laugh as I point at him. He smiles satisfactorily.

“Eat up.” He squeezes my hand. As an obedient girl, I do as instructed and heavens, I’m in heaven. I look at Aiden and I know that this is a set up. He’s looking at the muted TV in the lounge but I can see him folding his lips, playing unaware.

“Aiden!” He turns to his food and puts a spoon in his mouth still avoiding me. Something is up but I need the strength to face it so I busy myself with this delight before me.

“I love watching you eat. I love feeding you.” He says as I push my plate to the side and clean my mouth.

“Thanks for the meal, Aiden. How did you know about this place?”

“I cook, so I archive places that have good food.”

“Hmm, so how many of us have you brought here?”

“Only you. I’ve known this place for over three years and I’ve been waiting to bring my woman here.” He says it so casually that it takes me a while to pick on the fact that he just referred to me as his woman. I mean, it’s not as if he hid his intentions but this feels like we unlocked something else. I have no reservations about Aiden but how is it supposed to work? What are the logistics going to be? Am I really ready?

“I see the wheels are turning in your mind. Talk to me, baby.” Aiden shifts his chair closer.

“Nothing. It’s just… you called me your woman.”

“Okay?” He seems genuinely confused.

“I don’t know.”

“You asked what’s up my sleeves and I definitely have something there.” He smiles and my heart twists. His smiles might be my undoing. I should do more to get him to smile.

“I knew it! I know you!” I say and try to reduce my voice.

“If you know me as you claim, why are you scared? Specifically, what are you scared of?”

“Aiden. Spill!” I coax, avoiding his question. He relaxes in his chair and folds his arm on his chest, his bicep flexing. If I didn’t know, I would say he did that to distract me. Maybe he did. Or maybe I’m easily distracted. Another thing I didn’t know about myself.

“Why are you scared, Ibukun?”

“There’s nothing. I’m not scared. I’m a big girl.” I wiggle my brows at him. He smiles. Yas! We stay winning.

“Okay. So, I’m travelling on Friday for two weeks.” My eyes immediately water as I hear this. Is this goodbye? Is this a goodbye dinner? Why do good things leave me after I’ve had a taste?

“Ok,” I whisper unable to hide my sadness.

“Hey hey, Ibukun. What’s up?” He moves his chair to my side and holds my shoulder. I place my head on his shoulder and get a good whif of his cologne. He smells clean and woodsy.


“Talk to me, mama.”

“Let’s go, let’s go.” I raise my head and grab my purse.

“Okay. Let me sort the bills. Please, wait.” He goes to the checkout stand, pays for our food, and comes back with a to-go pack. He is so thoughtful. He strolls back to me and holds out his hand, “Let’s go, mama.”

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