Last updated on April 26th, 2024 at 06:45 am
Adelana and Patricia had been friends since the day they met at Sire’s house which meant that they hung out more often at Sire’s. Patricia had made him know that she had a five-year relationship so nothing could happen between them. She couldn’t deny that there was chemistry between them though. Maybe more than chemistry even. Thankfully, Sire was always with them, a true Chaperone.
Today, they were hanging out at Sire’s per usual. Helen had refused to come along considering that they were there yesterday and the day before. “I’m not spending all of my public holidays going out. Let me rest today. What you’re finding, you will see.” Helen had remarked to which Patricia had rolled her eyes. Helen was such a spoilsport.
“This guy, Kingdom or what did you call him?” Adelana said, breaking the silence. They were all playing a card game. It took Patricia a while to understand who he was talking about.
“Kingdom? Do you mean Kingsley?” Adelana rolled his eyes. He couldn’t care less about Patricia’s boyfriend.
“Whatever. If he so loved you, why hasn’t he popped the question, yet?”
“What are you? A caveman?” Patricia said eyeing him.
“Well, five years is a long time. I hope you’ve talked about your future together.” It took him a lot to say the last part, but he really wanted to be sure about how serious they were. He was ready to swoop in if this Kingdom guy was only playing with her. He was aware that they had issues, he just didn’t know how serious they were.
“Well, we have.” Patricia slightly ducked her head hoping Lana didn’t notice, he had a way of seeing through and she just told a bald-faced lie. Kingsley and Patricia had never talked about anything serious. “Plus, I’m only twenty-five, it’s not like I want to get married tomorrow.”
“Hmm, if you say so.” Adelana felt a bit guilty about his happiness at her reaction to her relationship which signified that things weren’t smooth but he was there to win her heart and not play nice. He was going to ask her out.
“Babe, I’m sorry.” Kingsley held Patricia’s hands.
“We didn’t speak for three days, King.”
“I know. I told you before that I’m not really the calling type.” Patricia nodded, not wanting to push the issue. They’d been fighting more frequently of late so she decided to keep quiet to maintain peace.
“I can’t keep being worried about how you’re doing because you refuse to call and pick up my calls. We’ve been together for five years, we can do better.”
“I’ll do better, baby. I’m sorry.” Patricia looked at Kingsley’s face, he looked genuine enough but she had enough experience to know that as soon as Kinglsey changed for a few days, he’d resume his old habits.
“So, what did Kingsley say?”
“He apologised as usual, but honestly, I don’t buy it.” Patricia had told Helen that she hadn’t heard from Kingsley for three days. Actually, Helen knew everything that was happening in her relationship.
“So, what do you plan to do?” Helen asked.
“This is the last chance. I can’t continue this way. It makes me feel silly. There are other men out there who are probably willing to commit.” She immediately thought of Adelana and felt slight guilt. He hadn’t mentioned anything relationship related but she didn’t think she would turn him down if he asked her out. As if on cue, Helen answered, “You mean Lana?”
“Who said anything about Lana?” Patricia rolled her eyes.
“Well, I truly think that Kingsley has become your comfort zone. He has commitment issues, he is verbally abusive and you’re always an afterthought in his decisions, yet you’ve been together for five good years. You probably have to step out of your comfort zone but don’t try to eat your cake and have it.” Helen knew Patricia too well. Rather than reply to Helen, Patricia pulled her into a hug.
“You can be such a prude sometimes. What’s wrong with eating my cake and having it?” Helen pulled her face away from Patricia just enough to read her expression. She hugged her again and whispered, “Don’t just try it.”
In the case of Patricia’s relationship with Kingsley, what’s your opinion on eating your cake and having it? Let’s talk in the comments!
Thanks for reading!
Ha! Why not just throw the cake away if it doesn’t guarantee that peace of mind? My 2 kobo…
Right??? Peace of mind first!
I don’t know who is about to become the scum bayi … 🤣🤣🤣
Hahaha. Loool, you should know soon.
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