Last updated on December 24th, 2023 at 09:21 am
My birthday was in two weeks. The semester was also ending shortly after my birthday. We were all preparing for our exams which would start soon. Tochi and I had been reading together and quizzing each other.
I was in the class for a tutorial and he just sent a message asking when we would be done. I wasn’t sure yet, so I replied to him: not sure yet. He then replied: I am done here, thought to come and join you so we can go to the hostel together.
I didn’t want to delay him, so I replied: you can go, don’t worry about me.
He didn’t reply.
Tochi still had not replied to me. It was two days after the last text and he had not replied. Did I say something wrong? I had not reached out to him though, it just didn’t feel right. No one was forcing him to be with me. Hopefully, he was fine.
I was preparing to go to the library, my roommate and her friends were around, and there was no way I would be able to read in that room. My phone made a notification sound as I kept the last book in my bag. It was from Tochi; my heart skipped a beat and I had to sit down. I opened his message.
Good morning, Angel, how are you? How are you?! After two days, how are you?! I thought of the perfect response but out of the many options that came to mind, I could not settle for one; I kept my phone in my bag instead and set to leave the room.
I had my first paper tomorrow. I really couldn’t wait to finish the exams. I just got back from the library having spent the whole day there. Now I just wanted to eat and get some rest before I did any revision.
I dropped my bag on the bed and brought out the food I bought on my way to the hostel to eat. Tochi had called all the while I was in the library. I could never understand him. This was it, the thing that just felt off. Very weird character. I played a movie on my phone as I ate my meal.
I heard a knock on the door. I had slept off. I got up to search for my phone again when I heard another knock on the door, this time my phone also started ringing. It was Tochi. Please leave me alone. I heard the knock once again and got up to open the door, feeling irritated at the continuous disturbance. It was Tochi.
“Wait, so you were calling me and at the same time knocking?” I asked, unable to keep the irritation out of my voice. He pushed the door slightly and entered the room.
“Well, hello to you too.” He said, pulling my chair out to sit.
“You did not answer my question.”
“What was the question?”
“Tochi, are you serious?” I was getting livid.
“Angel,” He said, sounding very calm. This managed to get me more angry but I let him talk. “I don’t understand why you are upset.”
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